Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Goodbye Summer

July and August have been a blur.  In the best way possible, but still, a blur.  By early to mid July I was feeling pretty good.  I don't quite remember when I felt fully recovered, but I know it's been a while now.  I'm so grateful for all the help we were given and all the prayers as well.  We've been having fun figuring out this family of five in all journeys, there are ups and downs.  Mostly, we're loving it.

We have been very busy with visitors in the last couple of months.  First my dad, then Aunt Linda, Uncle Les and Joelle.  My sister came in August and our dear friends the Lookabills were just here last week.  Matt's mom is coming next week and my mom a few weeks after that.  Phew.  Quite the revolving door we've had.

Here's a quick glimpse of what the past couple of months have been like.  
 Dad's visit over the 4th.  I was still recovering a bit, but Matt, Dad and the kids did get to go to Devil's Tower.  Also lots of lego time.
 Gracie's bath time is a family event. The kids pull up chairs as soon as they hear me say the word. 
 Chloe is still a very proud big sister.  She adores Gracie...and has a hard time leaving her alone.
 Matt bought a weed-eater that came with a leaf blower.  Noah thinks he's pretty hot stuff when he takes care of the lawn with his daddy. 
Grace was about a month old here.  And yes, Noah really needed a haircut... we gave him one.  Matt and I tried to convince him to keep the mohawk, but he didn't like it. 
It was so good to see some Valentine family...and they showed up in perfect time to let Matt and me actually go out on a date for our anniversary!  (after the kids were in bed - but still, very exciting)
Emma and Grace - Such sweet easy babies.
Smores on their first night here...the kids were a little weary of the fire.  
Naomi and Chloe are two peas in a pod.  Oh boy!  The boys were too busy playing to want to let me get a good picture of them.

The kids really exhausted Aunt Rachel - but we saw a lot and had a great time!

Grace has gotten so expressive...the best is when she smiles like this for Noah or Chloe.

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